Accountability With Marianna Lopez: Why does accountability matter?

What can I say about accountability that may inspire and empower you? What is it about accountability that really makes us commit to the things we want to create in our lives? Why does accountability matter? If you ask me, it’s the one thing that keeps me on my toes, it holds me to my […]

Janine Stone: Let’s Talk About Growth

Growth can be a funny thing. It often sneaks up on you when you don’t realize and you can’t necessarily see it until you have grown. To grow is to live and when we stop growing, we truly stop living. I can personally vouch for this truth. At 46 years old, I can look back […]

Reflection on Courage with Ilona

When Jaime shared with me that the word of the month would be courage, Idiligently ran to research its etymology. I already knew it was rooted in latin for “heart.” However, what was more interesting was witnessing that what stops us from courage is often fear. Fear, it turns out, is rooted in the proto-indo […]

Manifesting Movement Exploration

Take a moment to set up a comfortable and inspiring space for yourself. Light a candle, make tea or bring in a flower from outside.  When you’re ready, get in a comfortable position (personally I like to do this standing, but you choose what’s best for you). Place your hand over your heart and feel […]

Unshakable Trust With Alison Yanni

Alison Yanni

TRUST is closing your eyes at the moment of impact, in a car accident that comes too fast to do anything else but brake and hold the steering wheel tight.. while your car spins. TRUST is signing a lease for a home for you and the boys after you’ve left your husband. TRUST is knowing […]